Reach Out!

We give all the praise and glory to God our Father for allowing us to see His hand in this ministry and the expansion. Our services are conducted in the Savannah/Chatham County, Effingham, and Lexington and Richland County (Columbia, Batesburg-Leesville, and Lexington) SC areas. Remember, we are still His Love Ministries, only now we are one ministry with two locations; by the grace of God everything in Savannah will continue as it has and we will serve even more of the forgotten as we find the places where God wants us to serve Him here. Thank you for praying and partnering with us. You are truly a blessing to us and to many “forgotten” that have been ministered to—and even more so to those who have trusted Christ and been saved.

If you would like to sign up for our newsletter, would like more information, or want us to speak to your church, Sunday school class, small group, or organization, you can let us know by email or by filling out the form below.

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 1881
Lexington, SC 29071


(912) 398-0573