December 25

Timothy needed to be cautious when choosing church leaders as we do also whenever that need arises.  Seems like most churches today when looking for a leader or head pastor look for the person who has all the degrees and leadership skills that would make for a good Chief Executive Officer of a company, but most likely not the leader of a church.  Many times they look outside the congregation for someone who is the rising star and looks really good.  When the church first started, they didn’t have degrees, they didn’t go outside the church to look for someone, they looked inside where the people were they knew, they trusted, and knew the most about.  But even then we have to be careful, because some are very good at hiding their sins from those around them.  Some you see and know immediately, but others don’t show up for quite some time, but if you look long enough you will eventually see them.  That is why we need to really make sure who someone is before we let them be a leader in any capacity in the church.  Are they mature and will they stand up for truth when the going gets tough, or will they crack under pressure and yield to temptation?  Let us be vigilant especially with all the tendency going on to bow to society rather than the Word of God.

1 Timothy 5:24-25 Some men’s sins are clearly evident, preceding them to judgment, but those of some men follow later. 25 Likewise, the good works of some are clearly evident, and those that are otherwise cannot be hidden.


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