February 27

1 Peter 2:2-3 Peter urges those who are Christians to desire the milk of the word which can either be Christ or the word of God itself. Either way we are to long for and develop an appetite for the things of God, especially for Christ and His word which teaches us who we are and what we ought to believe. To develop an appetite for the word we must read it daily and the more we read the more we will want to know what it says and how to behave. Ask God to give you this desire and longing to read and understand His word.

Where do you get your spiritual wisdom and understanding from? I want to challenge you to read a chapter or a short book of the Bible for a week to 30 days straight and see what happens when you do. Maybe try it for 90 days. You might miss a day or two here or there, but keep at it and see how much you learn. Look for repeated words and phrases, you will be amazed at how much God will show you if you do this.

“The point of the symbolic language is this: as a babe longs for nothing but its mother’s milk and will take nothing else, so every Christian should take no spiritual nourishment save the Word.” Lenski, p. 78.

1 Peter 2:2-3 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: 3 If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.


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