October 29

Many want to ignore or change these verses which teach that a woman is not to be a pastor, the teacher of a mixed bible study class, or in any position of authority in teaching the bible to men.  You cannot ignore the bible or change the bible.  Paul gives two reasons that God gave him to show this.  The first is that Adam was put in a position of headship with the position of leadership over the woman because He was created first.  Submission does not mean inferiority, Jesus submitted to the authority of the Father and through the guiding of the Holy Spirit He did what God the Father wanted Him to do. Then secondly God uses the reason that the woman was deceived and sinned. One man said a man is infinitely better at being a man than a woman and a woman is infinitely better than a man at being a woman.  God gave each of us roles to play in life and when we use the bible for our authority, then we don’t have the problems we do have when we ignore the Word of God.

“Paul’s point [in verse 14] is that this role reversal that caused such devastation at the beginning must not be repeated in the church. The woman must not be the one who leads the man in obedience to her. Thus when the teaching of the Word of God in the assembly occurs, a qualified male elder should fill the role of teacher.” 2Ann L. Bowman, “Women in Ministry: An Exegetical Study of 1 Timothy 2:11-15,” Bibliotheca Sacra 149:594 (April-June 1992):206.

1 Timothy 2:12-14 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.


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